Apply to join Core Team 2024-2025!
Ready to apply for Core Team 2024-2025?
NOTE: Applications must be submitted by August 14th in order to attend the Core Team Retreat. Thank you!
Step 1: Make sure you fully understand the Core Team expectations and commitments (on the "what is Core Team page")
Returning Core: there are some changes again this year! Make sure you read everything carefully.
Step 2: Have your parent register for your D-group for the 2024-2025 school year.
Registration is now available for the 2024 - 2025 year for D-Groups. Please note that you must register for D group every year. However, incoming 9th graders who registered for D group in the Spring of 2024 DO NOT need to register again. All 10-12 graders must register again.
If there are concerns about your current D-Group please contact Hollie Danis.
Step 3: Apply online through your family portal. It takes a while, so give yourself lots of time to complete it! Applications due on August 14th. Retreat Registration due August 14th (There are TWO different forms to complete).
Step 4: Attend the Returning Core Meetings (only for returning Core Team) OR Set up a 1-on-1 with a Youth Ministry staff person (only for new Core Team members).
The Returning Core Meeting:
August 13th, 2024 from 7:00-8:30pm at St. Michael Youth Room
Setting up a 1-on-1 Meeting:
1:1 Meeting Sign Up Link - Sign up Here!
Step 5: Find two references to fill out the recommendation form. We need two recommendation forms filled out for each applicant. Please have two, non-relative, adults (teacher, coach, d-group leader, family friend, etc) fill the reference form out and return to you or the Youth Ministry office. These are due at the first Core Team meeting.
NOTE: If you did this last year, you’re not required to fill this out again. If you’re not sure please reach out to us to confirm if you have completed this.
Send them the link to this online Recommendation Form
Step 6: Upperclassmen - sign up for a Virtus training session before you turn 18 if you haven't already taken one. You can do so through the Virtus website. Instructions are available here.
Step 7: Teens AND parents should sign up for our Remind message group. This is the primary way we share updates with Core teens and parents. Instructions to sign up will be emailed to participating families.
Step 8: Register for the August 23rd-25th, 2024 Core Retreat.
Our retreat will be held at Trinity Woods this year! Registration will open in July!
Step 9: Mark your calendars for upcoming youth ministry events!
Please also mark your calendars for all the ministries we run as a Core Team such as FNL’s, 4th Grade FUN Nights, Youth Alpha, Middle School Open Youth Rooms, and Middle School Faith Study.
There will NOT be a printed youth calendar this year, please refer to the online Google youth calendar.
“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire!”